Bill Bender joins Wade Koehler for ON TAP, FCSI The Americas, New Video Podcast
As a longtime member of the Foodservice Consultant Society International (FCSI) I’ve been fortunate to meet and develop professional relationships with fellow consultant members and the leaders of allied (manufacturers + services) members. All members are foodservice professionals, truly caring and sharing people. They provide knowledge and assistance whenever they are asked for counsel or advice on projects or any industry-related topic. Our Society works to elevate the foodservice industry and its perception by the public and media. Our members follow the FCSI Code of Conduct. This code is crucial to FCSI.
The FCSI Code of Conduct is guided by three master principles (in order of priority):
- The Client’s Interests
- The Public’s Interests
- The Profession’s Interests
I was interviewed by our Executive Director, Wade Koehler, CAE for the ON TAP video Podcast. I have known Wade since he joined FCSI. He is a qualified and productive leader and administrator of FCSI The Americas. We recorded this Episode in December 2020. A special thanks to Wade and Erik Haviland of theFuze and theFuze team! A big thanks to Ken Schwartz, FCSI, and the dynamic team at SSA design + consulting.
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